No Struggle, No Progress
Job 22:30 | NKJV He will even deliver one who is not innocent; Yes, he will be delivered by the purity of your hands. Beloved we thank God for Jesus! His shed Blood has “paid in full” the debt that we owe. My Belief in Him has Delivered me from the Penalty and from the Power of sin. HALLELUJAH! My name is written in the Lamb Book of Life! I am Heaven Bound and have received the gift of Eternal Life. Amen. And not only that, but Jesus has given me Authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and all the works of the enemy and by no means shall anything harm me. GUILTY, BUT FORGIVEN!!! Beloved we all have fallen short of the Glory of God! But thru Jesus Christ I can go to The Father and receive the Blessings and not be “taught a lesson”. OH MY!!! When I lied, stole, and cheated on others, God and myself I sinned. I Repent and I am sorry. GULITY, BUT FORGIVEN!!! When I mistreated my body by smoking, drinking, drugging, and with irreverent behavior I sinned. I repent and I am sorry. GULITY, BUT FORGIVEN!!! When I put selfish ambitions and the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life above living a Godly Life I separated myself from family, friends, my Health, my Destiny, Purpose, Future and even from God I sinned. I repent and I am sorry. GULITY, BUT FORGIVEN!!! Beloved BUT GOD has Now allowed me to be RECONCILED to Him thru Jesus Christ my Lord! I can go to God and receive the Blessings and Favor of the Lord without receiving a punishment. Healing is mine, Deliverance is mine, and Victory over my adversaries will come to pass. I am an Overcomer and More than a Conqueror! I am a New Creation. I am Born Again! Thank you, Lord for Saving, me!!!GUILTY, BUT FORGIVEN!!!
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