No Struggle, No Progress

The Letter of the Law


(Another Look at The Electoral College)

Now that the president elect has met with the sitting president, many people understand that there is another “step” in the process used to determine the next president of the United States. Many of those people also understand the next “step” involves something known as “the electoral college”. But what many people don’t understand or know is WHY? Why do we have or utilize the electoral college process”? More than two centuries ago, the United States only had about four million people living in it. During that time, the founding

fathers created “the electoral college”. From previous articles, we know that “the electoral college” is not a school nor a place but - instead - it is a group of people (called electors) who cast their vote for president after the popular vote is cast on election day. When “the electoral college” was created, Americans - especially those people living outside of heavily populated areas - were much less informed about the various candidates running for president. Because of this, the founders wanted to make sure that citizens in less populated areas were represented in the presidential vote as well as those in big cities. So, if you want to know WHY we have “the electoral college”, just remember what the founding fathers did, who they did it for, and what the benefits are according to the United States Constitution and according to … The Letter of the Law.


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