No Struggle, No Progress

The Letter of the Law


(A Look At What's After Super Tuesday)


With Super Tuesday having come and gone, primaries and caucuses

having come and gone, and early voting having come and gone, Americans

everywhere are awaiting the outcome of the United States Presidential

election on November 5, 2024. At the close of the polls on that day, it might

be wise to remember ... "It Ain't Over .... Until It's Over"!

For sure, it must be remembered that on "election day" (November 5,

2024) voters will be casting their voice for president by way of "electors".

Essentially, any vote that is cast (during early voting or on election day) will be

a "vote" for identified "electors" who - in due course after November 5, 2024

- will operate under a concept that is referred to as ... the electoral college.

Those persons who are "electors" will, later, elect a president and vice

president for a term of four years.

So, regardless of the outcome on November 5, 2024, "it ain't over until it's

over" ... and it won't be over until those who make up the electoral college do

what it is that they are charged with doing ... and that is ... deciding who will

be the next president of the United States of America. This process arises out

of the particulars of the United States Constitution, Amendment Number

Twelve of the Constitution, and all other particulars arising out of ... The

Letter of the La


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