No Struggle, No Progress

Prepare For Impact

The reason why some people go through what seems like perpetual pain is because of the great purpose that lies ahead of them. There are times when we can’t see the purpose on the other side of the pain, but it's there. God has a special way of preparing His people for greatness by teaching them to overcome before they "come over." Could this be why you’ve experienced so much? It’s certainly not because God doesn’t love you. Just because you don’t know the answer, it doesn’t mean there isn’t one. To a football player who doesn’t understand, he might assume the hard practices, the sacrifice of time, and the many drills are just punishment. But to one who knows better, he understands it’s not punishment; it’s preparation. Going out on the field without proper preparation would be embarrassing and devastating—it could even be fatal. In God’s perfect love, He doesn’t allow us to face life without proper preparation. He knows very well that there is an opposing team. He knows that greatness requires preparedness. I just want to remind you, reader, that God is perfect in all His ways, even in ways you may never understand. Trust Him. He has not forgotten or forsaken you. Hold on to His hand; He won’t let go. Trust God in the process.


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