No Struggle, No Progress


Psalms 51:12 | NKJV Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS and again I say Rejoice. Beloved today is the day that the Lord has made so REJOICE and be glad in it. For your JOY is found in the Presence, the Person, and the Power of Jesus Christ. Amen! By His Soul Saving Blood you have been Healed, Delivered and Set Free. Celebrate your Salvation with a Shout of Triumph! You have been Delivered from the Penalty and the Power of sin. HALLELUJAH! Be exceedingly glad that you are Heaven Bound! Oh Glory!!! And not only that!!! You shall see the Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living! You don’t do the things you used to do. You don’t say the things you used to say. And you have been CHANGED! A CLEAN HEART!!! Be Happy and Glad that in spite of your wrongs, know that God is making things turn out right! Allow the Holy Spirit to uphold you when you falter, strengthen you when you get weak, encourage you when you have doubt and lift you up when you fall. Amen! Remain steadfast knowing that the Joy that you have is in Jesus and not dependent on circumstances, situations, people or places. This inexpressible JOY is from the Lord. The world didn’t give it to you, and the world can’t take it away! So be confident today in the Lord and in the Power of His might. You are deserving God’s Blessings, Favor and Love. Because you have repented and turned back to the Lord. God has forgiven you, so forgive yourself. Smile, Laugh, Love and Rejoice. Because you now have ….A CLEAN HEART!!!


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