No Struggle, No Progress

Kingsway Shooting

The love which was shown to our youth has diminished greatly over several generations, which only Black folks will be able to fix. There's lots of hopelessness in our community where children are homeless, hungry and looking for love. The problem is many want to help yet, are apprehensive when trying to help our young people. Its difficult to tell who's straight and who's not! On Monday August 12, 2024 according to witnesses, numerous gun shots were fired in the Kingsway Apartments in Monroe LA at around 7:20pm. This is the time of day when children play and adults sit out to watch, when all of a sudden shots rang out creating a dangerous frenzy for those who live in Kingsway Apartments in Booker T. Addition. Two were shot a 7 year old and a young male adult by two masked gunmen. It was unclear why the shooting occurred while when bullets are fired everyone around are in danger. There were so many shots fired that neighbors heard blocks away. Now two people may never be the same due to being innocent bystanders to senseless violence. There is a B.A.L.M. in Monroe and the U.S., a spiritual solution to a social problem. A B.A.L.M. in Monroe and the U.S. is a collaborative plan that every citizen, elected and appointed official, clergy, and organization can participate in to help improve the image of Monroe and the U.S. while inspiring at-risk males to take more responsibility for their actions and respect the lives of others. This balanced approach aims to lower the violent crime and murder rate in Monroe, LA and the U.S. Praise God for law enforcement. There are three sides to every story. This was one side of this story. The Monroe Dispatch welcomes another or the other side of this story.

Photo Kingsway Apartments Shooting


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