No Struggle, No Progress

Are You Prepared

Many times, we hear about things happening so much, until we just ignore warnings after a while. Sometimes, it looks as if those warning us, are just paranoid or talking nonsense. Well let me inform you that this is not one of those messages you should think that way about. There is a lot going on all over the world, and it's getting darker by the day. Soon, what we have heard was coming, will be upon many. Are you prepared? If there were a blackout, outages, bank closures, an attack on the country or another plague, how prepared are you? If you couldn't leave your home for two months, would your family be okay? Would you survive a scarcity of food and water? Most importantly, if God required your soul today, where would you spend eternity? Are you truly saved, or are you lukewarm? Are you His or are you pretending to be? This message isn't to scare you. It's to prepare you. There is a shaking like no other coming, and it will test roots and fruit. Be sure of your salvation. Obey the Lord. Get unforgiveness and malice out of your heart. Stop gossiping and willfully sinning. Get in the Word, and stop just carrying Bibles or decorating with them. The "door" is closing. Time is winding down. Awake from your slumber!


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