No Struggle, No Progress

The End Is Near!

Marriage is honorable (Hebrews 13:4). What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder (Matt .19:6).

Earnestine Davison and I recently celebrated 60 years together as husband and wife; you can say we grew up together. Hebrews says marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefiled. At the time we married family was the focus. The man (husband) was the provider. The wife managed the home, prepared meals and was available for the children. It's not like that anymore.

We reared five children, educated all five, all of which are yet alive. We have grandchildren, great-grandchildren. We've been blessed with a home where they can come together, businesses, land. We are blessed to see our children retire as we have.

God honors marriage. He wants us to multiply, replenish, and take control of his creation. The home is the incubator that begins the process. We didn't fully understand the concept of marriage in the beginning. However, blinded by Faith, trusting in God through the bad times and the rough, we kept our eyes on God.

We 're approaching our 80’s now. It was God's Grace that brought us through the bad and rough times of our life. “We never would have made it, never could have made it, we would have lost it all (Marvin Sapp) but you were there for me. You were help for us. Now we are stronger, wiser, better, so much better”. To God Be the Glory for the Great Things He Has Done! Well Bless God! Superintendent Henry Davison


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