No Struggle, No Progress

Stay In Joe

The debate between President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is over. It should be the last one. Did the voters learn anything new or otherwise. There has never been a debate between presidential contenders (to my recollection) before they became their party's official nominees. It was not a "classic" debate by any stretch of the imagination, because both President Joe Biden and Donald Trump stuck to their scripts. The only good thing about the debate was the rule where the other candidate's mic would be muted, allowing for a complete answer without interruptions. For those who watched, the body language and facial expressions from both men were the stuff of political legend, especially from Trump. As Biden was touting his record and on several occasions calling Trump an outright liar, Trump was seething, but could only stand at his podium. That may be the only time, except when he's in court where he has to keep his mouth shut. Trump tried to knock Biden off track by calling him the "worst president" in history, apparently not being a student of history himself. Nonetheless everyone seems to be talking about Biden's performance, especially at the beginning of the debate. The president didn't seem to have his mojo in the first 15 minutes, but footing throughout the rest of the debate, became very animated when Trump kept making misleading statements about his record and even his family. On the flip side, there were several questions that Trump didn't directly answer (child care for working parents), as the moderators would repeatedly remind him to answer the question when asked. The debate did not get a passing grade despite fireworks from both men. There does not need to be a Biden-Trump 2. Biden is sure to list his accomplishments on the campaign trail, while Trump will bring nothing new to the table. He is always saying things such as "what they are saying" or "what he heard" and to "believe him" about Democrats, without offering any details. His base keeps buying what he is selling. The race will not be won by debate performance, so ignore what will be heard about Biden not being up for the job. He stood tall at the podium going toe-to-toe with Trump showing some fire when he had to. Trump is years younger and is supposed to be in better shape at 6' 2" and 225 pounds. Have I got a bridge to sell to MAGA. The race will come down to those who are "undecided" on who to cast their votes. If the nation's standing in the world and the Constitution means anything, America will not elect a convicted felon as its leader. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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