No Struggle, No Progress

The End Is Near!

Be not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Chris, it is the ‘Power of God' unto Salvation to everyone who believes, and the just shall live by Faith (Romans 1:16-32).

God's wrath (anger) is revealed against all ungodliness, and unrighteousness of men who know the 'Truth Of God' for he has shown it to men, so they are without excuse.

Men have become vain, foolish, and will not Glorify God as God. Professing themselves to be wise they became fools. God has given them up to his uncleanness through the lust of the flesh to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. They have become homosexuals, men with men, women with women, pronounced themselves to be married to one another. They attempt to change the ' Truth Of God' into a lie. They worship and serve themselves more than God, who is blessed forever. Those who commit such acts have no inheritance with Christ, their destination is hell, eternally separated from God.

Unless you 'Repent' (STOP!) from perversion. Adultery, deceit, wickedness, fornication, backbiting, covetousness, envy, murder, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters , evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, without natural affections ( homosexuals) Unmerciful. Knowing the judgement of God, they who commit such things are worthy of death. Become God Pleasers, Repent! God will abundantly pardon you, Amen.

Well Bless God! Superintendent. Henry Davison


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