No Struggle, No Progress

Why We Fail

After spending time with God and doing a little self-reflection, I have been guided in truthful places in my life. I have gone to God, in search of answers that I felt only He could properly give me.

I have asked Him why so many (including myself in the past), weren't living a life of true freedom and prosperity in Him. I asked Him what was holding back and hindering some of His people.

The answer was simple: God's people don't follow His instructions. It was a wow moment for me, but yet so simple. We read the Bible, quote, talk about and preach it, but very few actually walk in it or have faith. We don’t listen to or trust God (ouch).

God showed me a vision of a top, to cough syrup. The bottle's instructions were to push down, then twist to open. Many people just twist to open, because of what they're use to. This is why the top stays closed, and the benefits aren't received.

Until we obey God's instructions, EXACTLY like He's told us to do, we will never witness Heaven open unto us, or receive the benefits that's available to us through Christ Jesus. We can't just read and say Amen. We must walk in the Word, being doers of it.

If God says "rejoice" in trials; then, we should rejoice. If He says "count it all joy", when we go through certain things, we should simple count it all joy. If He says, "Enter into My gates with thanksgiving", then we should do just that. When He says, "Just believe", we should do just that.

Whatever God says do or don't do, we should obey. This is what yields results, not routine and not tradition. Tradition is doing it our way.

Obedience is doing it God's way. Tradition is great in some aspects, sometimes, but God's way is perfect every time. Be a doer and succeed! It has truly changed my life.


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