No Struggle, No Progress

Pay Attention to Your Children

Today’s society is all about who looks the best, who can show off the most and who boasts the hardest. It's a bunch of vanity, to say the least- that the youth witness, day in and day out. Substance, manners, morals and respect are not high on the list of a lot of parents' priorities. Many are so caught up in trying to make a name for themselves, that they have forgotten to make time to train their children in the way they should go. Children (not all) are receiving less and less attention; therefore, they're going into places they shouldn't, looking for attention and affection. Because so many children feel invisible, they're going places and doing things to be seen by just anybody. This is what has led many to the streets, into the wrong company, to jail and even the grave. Children need guidance. They need love, support and a sense of belonging. They need discipline and encouragement. They need ATTENTION. Parents please, pay more attention to your children. They're crying out in the schools, crying out in your homes, in your ears, crying out in the school counselors' offices, crying silently in their rooms and crying out to be loved by you. Stop chasing this fleeting world and ask God to help you mend the heart of the child that you've torn. Ask God to help you be what/who your child(ren) need in you as a parent. Ask God's forgiveness for not paying attention to the heritage HE has given. Parents, you pay bills, pay for subscriptions, pay hairdressers/barbers; pay attention to your children. If not, do know God will hold you accountable for not doing what you were supposed to do.


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