No Struggle, No Progress

Donalds' "Jim Crow" Bombs

It looks as though Florida Congressman Byron Donalds has ruined his chances of becoming vice president of the United States. Especially if Black people have anything to do with it, or becoming the next Barack Obama. Donalds, the young Black Republican legislator in Congress has caused quite a stir around the nation saying that Black marriages "were better" during the era of Jim Crow and Black people in general during a period in American history that denied basic rights to native born Americans. Make no mistake, that Donald's as a Black man is as MAGA as any white conservative who sees no wrong in whatever Donald Trump does or has done. But when a Black man who wasn't born during the Jim Crow era and lived any portions of it, says that Black families "were better" is like spitting on the graves of the thousands who made the sacrifice for Donald's to be able to sit in Congress today. Donald's said in a recent setting that Black families "during" Jim Crow "were more conservative" just as white people were. Amazing for someone to say when he wasn't anywhere around to experience that. Is he saying that America "during" that era saw Black people as equals? He then says that "during"(because he specifically pointed out that time period) that time, Black people voted "more conservatively". If that were the case, why was there a need for the Civil Rights movement? Without paying detail to history, Donalds is ignoring the thousands of people whose deaths would be in vain, because in his mind (he wasn't born), everything for Black people was good. If it wasn't, he didn't mention it. As a fact, Donalds didn't mentioned the Movement when defending his views. Donalds has the right to say his views, but when he goes on right-wing media like Fox, he is not speaking for Black people in general. Fox will let him get away with it because the commentators know that his views are reflective of their political ideology. Donalds talked about the "traditional" Black family of being together despite the fact that he is not married to a Black woman, and is where he is because of a white conservative district. When Donalds went on media outlets such MSNBC and even CNN, he got a very different reception. Numerous Black people across America has called Donalds out for his comments. True to form, Donald's says his words "were taken out of context" and that people are lying on him. The videos are out there unedited word for word where Jim Crow is mentioned as in making a particular observation about Black people, perhaps as he saw it. However, Donalds need to re-examine American history in Florida when Black families were subjected to racial acts "during" Jim Crow and the courage that it took to survive when justice took a back seat to their plight in the South. Perhaps he needs to look at pictures of "Colored Only" signs by drinking fountains as did this reporter in his youth. He should also look at pictures/films of the water hoses and dogs, the beatings by white police officers and yes, even a picture of George Wallace standing in a schoolhouse door. He should read about vigilantes breaking into Black families' homes taking away a loved one, only to find their mutilated bodies days later. Someone should remind him of Emmett Till. And speaking of Blacks voting conservative "during" that period, he should read about the struggle just to vote from people like Rev. Jesse Jackson. He should also know what it means to have respect for Black preachers like Rev. Al Sharpton who recently had him on his MSNBC "Politics Nation". Donalds was condescending and even called Rev. Sharpton a "numb skull" because he would let Donalds control the narrative as if he was on a right-wing outlet. Maybe Donalds didn't know or wasn't taught that young Black people no matter the time period, was always taught to respect the preacher. Imagine if he was talking to Rev. (Dr.) Martin Luther King, Jr. And by the way, where has Donald Trump been to defend his so-call possible running mate? That alone should open his eyes. Someone said, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste". It is when you let someone else control it. Donalds is still young. There may still be hope. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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