No Struggle, No Progress

Haley Vote For Trump No Surprise

Another one has fallen in line or as they say, kissed the ring. It was an unexpected move, as the time that it took to make the move was perhaps "showmanship", but one to stay relevant. Nikki Haley, who wanted to do what Hillary Clinton couldn't, recently announced to the world that she was going to vote for Donald Trump in November. Seriously? Folks, that is not news, something like the old "dog bites man" bit. If Haley had said that she is not voting for Trump, that would have been news showing that she had some "spunk", the kind that she showed when on the campaign trail. Conservatives were listening, but not to the likes of Ron DeSantis or Tim Sott who "owes" his job to Haley. Scott and DeSantis failed miserably as campaigners, and speaking of Scott, there is suddenly no talk of his supposed wedding. Perhaps he is too busy telling Donald Trump how much he "loves" him. Haley who once believed that she was the better candidate, ran at the wrong time, because Trump is "King of the hill, the BMOC" in conservative politics. Haley perhaps missed an opportunity to show how strong she could be in a Male-dominated political world if she had simply said that she will vote for the person who will lead America forward. That would have along with the Stormy Daniels trial, taken the wind out of Trump's sails. However, Haley could have never prepared herself for the attacks that she knew were coming, not just from Donald Trump, bur from just about every political faction that supported Trump. One thing about Hillary Clinton, she wasn't afraid to take the fight to Republicans. Remember the infamous Benghazi hearings where Clinton stood toe-to-toe with Republicans in Congress? Haley, if she is sincere about running for president in 2028, must grow a thicker skin because she knows firsthand how bruising politics can be from tangling with Trump. Haley tried to make herself a factor when announcing her decision that Trump "must reach out and not assume" that her voters will support him. Smart call Nikki. Nonetheless how can Haley think that Trump needs to reach out to her voters; a man who once said that he didn't need to ask for forgiveness for the things in his life. Even though Haley once said that showing (Trump) disrespect to the military, shows that Trump is unfit to serve as president because she didn't trust him to protect them, she proudly announces that she will vote for him. There were other times when Haley said that Trump was "unfit", but for her, it must be "party first, country second". Politics does indeed make strange bedfellows. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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