There are many in the black community who murmur against God and our Lord Jesus; therefore, murmurs against themselves, behaving like the children of Israel (Exodus 16: 2- 3). After God brought them out of bondage they wanted to return. Many wanted to return to the iron fist under the cruel rule of Pharaoh. Many Blacks prefer someone else making laws and rules to govern them instead of standing up for themselves. Seeing the discrimination and injustice that some say Made America Great and want to return to the times of that era. Let us turn to God's Laws and Commandments, and stop defeating ourselves. Let's love one another. Support each other. Thus, let it be our goal to work and attain our own land, businesses, medical care, make our decisions, govern our lives, and partake of the fruit of our labor. Well Bless God! Superintendent .Henry Davison
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