The Greater Free Gift Baptist Church Young Male Ministry will launch a Speakers Bureau for the months of May and June, at 9 AM, each Saturday, 5510 Highway 165 South,
Richwood, LA Bishop Rodney McFarland, Sr. is pastor. The aim is to speak positivity in the lives of young males in hopes of deterring I'll behaviors witnessed in many communities throughout the nation. "I'd much rather look up to these young guys rather than look down on them in a funeral home", says Dr. Victor Butler, coordinator. Parents and young males, ages 6-30, are welcomed to attend. Young Male Ministry Speakers Bureau include May 18, Jared Mayo RN, Gary Blanson God's Servant, Gerald Brown Richwood Mayor, May 25, Doharam Epting Fitness Specialist/Author, DeVonte Dixon KNOE Meteorologist.
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