No Struggle, No Progress


Psalms 23:4 | NKJV Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Beloved fear not for God is with you. Be not dismayed for He is your God. He will Strengthen you. He will Help you. He will uphold you with His Righteous Right Hand. Know that the shadow of death is cast by the Light of Life which God has called out from darkness! Oh My! And God called the Light Day and the darkness He called Night. JESUS is the Light of the world! Beloved follow Him and you will never walk in darkness. Keep putting Faith to your feet while you WALK through every issue and every situation of your life. IF YOU’RE CATCHING HELL DON’T HOLD IT. AND IF YOU’RE GOING THROUGH HELL DON’T STOP!!! For your Healing is right around the corner and your Deliverance is just over the hill. You are being Set Free from anything that has you bound! HALLELUJAH!!! You are a Winner, an Overcomer and More than a Conqueror! Amen! Shout Now with the Voice of Triumph for the Battle is the Lord’s BUT the Victory is yours. Celebrate, Rejoice, and Praise God for how Good He has been and for how Great He is going to be for you, your family, children, home, finances, destiny, future, desires, hopes, and wishes. Hold on because the Best is yet to come! And remember that…IF YOU’RE CATCHING HELL DON’T HOLD IT. AND IF YOU’RE GOING THROUGH HELL DON’T STOP!



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