No Struggle, No Progress

Johnson's Place In History

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-LA has an opportunity to change how historians will write about him in history. Johnson just had the opportunity to do what past House Speakers like John Boehner, Paul Ryan and even Kevin McCarthy couldn't do, that is stand in the face of those far-right-over-the-cliff Republicans who will always keep "party first" in their ideology. Make no mistake about it, Johnson is as conservative as they come, but even he knows that once you take the plunge over the cliff, there is no coming back. Over the weekend, Johnson with the help of Democrats passed the months old legislation to assist Ukraine in its never-ending war against Russia. What Johnson did was bring a bipartisan bill to Congress for a vote that also aided Israel and Taiwan, two nations that the U.S. has vowed to defend. The fact that the legislation could have passed months ago was held up by Republicans including Johnson at the dictatorial urgings of Donald Trump, Margie Taylor Greene and others. Some have said that Johnson didn't bring the legislation up for a vote earlier because of the threat of a "motion to vacate" looming over his head that would remove him as the Speaker by Margie Taylor Greene. It now appears that with Saturday's vote (March 20), Johnson’s time may have arrived. There are currently two more Republicans who say they will vote with Greene to remove Johnson, as the threat is very real for Johnson. In light of what could happen at a future date, Johnson appeared to have said his historical quote for the history books saying, "I don't walk around this building being worried about a motion to vacate. I have to do my job. We did. I've done here what I believe to be the right thing. Johnson then added, "if you do the right thing, you let the chips fall where they may". Not exactly Patrick Henty, but we will see if Johnson repeats those words when Trump calls him down to Mar-a Lago. Democrats won't be able to save him this time. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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