No Struggle, No Progress

Verbon Building Momentum

With 4 of the 5 seats on the Monroe City Council decided, the District 5 seat is currently in a runoff, and Verbon Muhammad is working hard to secure votes. "I will return this seat back to the hard-working residents of District 5 and I will fight for your tax dollars. Our tax dollars have gone downtown, uptown, and across town. Now is the time for your tax dollars to work for you in your part of town," Muhammad stated.

Muhammad recently fed over 300 people on Saturday, April 13, and another 200 on Sunday, April 14, 2024, to show his appreciation to the community. "Everywhere we go, every neighborhood, the pulse is the same: citizens want a change." Verbon said is known for being accessible and personable with the people. His campaign headquarters has been on Winnsboro Rd. from day 1 of the campaign.

Muhammad believes he is running against a well-financed incumbent who recently opened a satellite office in her district on Winnsboro Rd. after working from North Monroe. "We will not be fooled by all the campaign signs; the people now see that District 5 has been bought and paid for by those outside of District 5." said Muhammad. Early voting is April 13 – 20, 2024 and will end Saturday, April 20, 2024.


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