No Struggle, No Progress


Isaiah 60:18 | NKJV Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise. Beloved we accept the Decree of the Lord! NO MORE VIOLENCE!!! We Shout it from the rooftops, in the valleys over the rivers and across the mountains. NO MORE VIOLENCE! Dear God Enlarge Your Peace in this territory and let Your walls of Salvation secure our boarders. For Jesus, the Prince of Peace SHALL Rule and Reign in His Holy Domain. HALLELUJAH! Instead of murder and mayhem there shall be LOVE! Instead of burglary and theft there shall be Compassion and Giving!!! Oh Lord, give us Beauty for our ashes and the oil of joy for our mourning. Let us put on the garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness. Let God Arise and His enemies be scattered. NO MORE VIOLENCE!!! Exchange every weapon and gun for the Power of Prayer. Instead of bullets let the Bible burst forth and pierce the heart and soul of Every living being. Let every Church, Ministry, Revival, Fellowship, and Congregation be Filled with the Anointing that will destroy Every yolk! For there are More with us than there are with them. OH MY! From now on every Gate will only allow those who Praise God to enter. And the Worship of the Lord and Life will Prevail in our land. As it is said, it Shall be, and it is So!!!! As we cry out with a Loud Voice….NO MORE VIOLENCE!!!


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