No Struggle, No Progress

A Message of Hope

Right now, it seems as if darkness has won. It seems like everywhere you turn, there's tragedy and bad news. Maybe it is everywhere one turns, if none of the places he/she turns, is to God and His powerful Word. Amidst the darkness that is evident, and all the facts that surround us, the TRUTH still abides. Jesus Christ is that TRUTH. In Jesus is life, and that life is the LIGHT of all mankind.

In this world, there are surely dark days ahead, as they are now; but, no amount of darkness could ever dim the true LIGHT that all have been given access to. It's up to us to accept that light.

That light doesn't just shine outside of us; it shines within. The Lord will allow us to see our need for our Savior, as He does a work in us and all around us, that only HE can do. The thing is, one must accept Him. An invitation has been sent forth, and all Jesus wants to know is will you come. All He wants is for you to surrender your will to His. Wherever you're broken, He wants to fix that. Wherever you're hurting and suffering, He wants to heal that. Wherever you're empty, He wants to fill that. All the Lord needs is for your heart to respond to this great invitation. Today, right now, come to Jesus, while you still can. This world keeps showing us everyday how dark and full of hopelessness it is. There is a hope though. HE, Jesus- is that hope. Come!

Photo Katima E. Wiley


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