You don't have to look too hard to see in Monroe and the surrounding areas, that the enemy is having a field day with the youth. So many seeds of bitterness and hate have been planted. So much violence has erupted, and lives have been taken, that should still be amongst the living. The first thing you hear echoed is, “It was God’s plan.” Let me tell you that’s a lie! That is certainly not God’s plan. God’s plan is of salvation (saving, rescuing, delivering). HE SO loved us that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN Son, so that whoever believes in Him SHALL NOT PERISH, but have everlasting LIFE; so how is dying prematurely GOD’s plan exactly? God did not put us here to dishonor Him and one another All over social media, because of foolish “beef”, many are asking a question that I want to address. I’ll just say this, JESUS is the true “Bleeda”. He is the one who was falsely accused, mocked, rejected, betrayed, denied and led away unto His death. A crown of thorns was placed on His head. He was slapped and spit on. People whom HE showed nothing but love to, cried out to kill Him. He did this for US. Jesus shed blood for us not to spend an eternity in suffering and torment. He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so that WE could be whole. He was whipped so that we could be healed. He died, so that we could live! Why then, is it so hard for many to just live for Him? Look at yourselves young men and women. Look at how the enemy is using you to take life that you had no part in creating/giving. Let go of your need to prove a point; it’s pointing you to jail, death and hell. As the artist Sevin said, “The same One (God), who molded the bodies you say you got, He’s going to “body” your body in time.” You’re going to die one day young men/women, and when you face God, you’ll know then who the real “Bleeda” is. Wake up!! You are better than this!
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