No Struggle, No Progress

Who's next to Die or Cry?

There are all kinds of crimes in the city of Monroe. There is a silent crime that is one of the most deadly crimes in the city of Monroe’s Black community. Do you have any idea what it is? One of the deadliest crimes in the Black community is not voting.

History has revealed many things that happened to our ancestors, and they endured dangerous things to ensure we had a better future than them. They were attacked by dogs, found hanging in trees, their homes were destroyed, they were beaten, killed, and put in jail, and policing was used to control them, not protect them.

Stopping the violence in the Black community is an individual effort that everyone can perform, that is by exercising the right to vote. You may be that one deciding vote to save a life. Your one vote may be the difference between government programs, food, water, clothes, housing, protection, security, preservation, neighborhood programs, probation, life in jail, or the death penalty. Why do others always try everything possible to stop the Black community from voting? Not voting is a deadly crime and giving in to a life sentence putting the Black community on death row waiting to die. When the Black community turns out and votes in the rain or sunshine, more African Americans will be called into the court jury system which will increase our chances to be selected on a jury. Then, your dad, mother, sister, or brother, will have a fair chance in a jury trial. Vote because your families are being wrongfully convicted and the state profits from their free labor.

Every time someone dies or cries and something happens in the Black community, and you do not vote, we as a collective fail. Are you tired of seeing this abuse, including unfair policies being put in place in our area? Join me, register everyone in your household to vote. Make sure everyone you know votes early or on election day.

There is a time to fight, a time to love; a time to heal, and we must learn how to get it done. When the Black community doesn’t vote and stop the violence against our people, we allow one of the most deadly crimes in the Black community to kill us. Your vote is your voice; use it wisely!


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