No Struggle, No Progress

Unusual Funds Findings

The Monroe City Schools Board is once again facing scrutiny over irregular findings uncovered during its annual audit, according to Board President Jennifer Haneline. An investigation has been initiated into three employees, all of whom have been placed on administrative leave pending the investigation's outcome. While Haneline did not disclose the school involved, sources indicate it is Neville High School in Monroe, LA. She stated that both the legislative auditor's office and local law enforcement have been notified regarding the "unusual findings." Haneline, along with Vice President Brandon Johnson, urged the public not to jump to conclusions or spread rumors, emphasizing the board's commitment to protecting public funds. They pledged to provide further details when possible. Although the board has not specified the nature of the current investigation, a prior investigation by the firm Workplace Investigation of the South highlighted "significant failings at every level of authority" within the Monroe City Schools System. Haneline acknowledged a "lack of internal controls" within the system, leading to the Vidrine investigation and now another ongoing probe. The public remains vigilant as the board works diligently to ensure accountability amid ongoing financial challenges within the system.


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