No Struggle, No Progress

Election Deception

I am one person that cringes during election time. I cringe, because I abhor all of the well-dressed lies, that hide the naked and shameful truth. I cringe because I get tired of the poor and ignorant being deceived and taken advantage of. I didn’t understand why my dad was so involved in educating the people politically, until I really paid attention one year, to the condition of the city and the negative impact on the poor and disadvantaged. Those who are uneducated or misinformed, often cast votes to their own detriment. It’s disheartening to see promises made by politicians who don’t intend on doing anything they say. Seeing platforms of lies, should move any decent person, to want to educate those who the lies affect in such a negative way. Election time is often deception time; so, my suggestion to citizens, is to pray first and foremost; then, educate yourself. Get accurate information. Judge what you see, not what politicians say. Judge by progress, not necessarily promises. See if there has been change in your city. If it has, then recognize it; if it hasn’t, respond to it. When you cast your vote, don’t look at skin color, look at production. It shouldn’t matter what skin tone you see; transformation and progress is what the community needs. Pray! Seek God for who has a heart for ALL people, and vote accordingly. Don’t vote popularity, skin color, or good speeches in office. Vote in those willing to serve everyone. Don’t get caught up in this election deception. It only hurts you in the end.


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