No Struggle, No Progress

God's Judgment is Real!

The goodness of God is so amazing and so vast. His love is incomparable. Because of His continuous mercy, it’s easy to forget that He is also a God of wrath. According to Proverbs 15:3, God’s eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. He sees us all and IT all. He has seen much lawlessness, disobedience, idolatry and wickedness in the land. These are the very things that provoke God to anger. This is what causes Him (because He's just/fair), to bring judgement upon the inhabitants of the earth. That judgment is real, and each of us ultimately, will face THE judgment, when we leave this place. For someone reading this, time is of the essence. Be sure of your salvation. Know where you stand, before you stand before God. Turn away from evil, and stay in God’s will. Forgive. Love, and obey. Don’t choose to please people above God. It won’t be them you face when this life is over.


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