No Struggle, No Progress


One does not Play Politics as a Politician a Politician Upholds the Values, Rights, and Wishes of the People and Maintains Integrity Throughout Their Servitude as a Public Servant. What is Politics? Where does the word come from and what importance does it have in the everyday lives of citizens? Wikepeidia will tell you that "Politics" is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. Derived from the ancient Greek word, "Politeia" the term Politics was coined by the late philosopher 'Aristotle', and has a range of meanings, from "the rights of citizens" to a "form of government".

The meaning of the word 'Politics" has been poorly misinterpreted by Americans which has led to the society we live in today. A society that has been taken over by elected officials aka "PoliTICKcians" that have leached into the goods of the people they were meant to govern and have now become parasitic organisms that are in full control of the masses and dictating the flow of their resources with no inclusion. They have now become "PoliTICKcians" that have stayed on the body for far too long and the only way the Tic can be removed is by being identified and detached from the body by the force of vote so that the people can stop the internal bleeding and mitigate loss of blood.

Politics, Politics, Politics, a word that has been thrown around by politicians and citizens that choose not to face the reality of the fallen government that our founding Fathers formed in order for us to have a more perfect union. In which that more perfect union came in the form of a Democratic system of governance. Meaning a government that is ruled by the people in which those whom they have elected to represent them will represent them in parliament, ideas, and all concerns in governmental affairs.

As history would have it in Monroe, Louisiana the democracy in which we are to govern ourselves has been ignored by those whom we have elected in office. The Home Rule Charter has been disregarded like the instructions on the back of a soup cup noodle. Many of our freedoms have been taken, civil rights habitually violated or simply ignored with extreme malice, and voices silenced by time restraints when speaking on pressing matters involving our liberty, equality, and civil injustices that have occurred at the hands of law enforcement officers (Lester Pasters), lack of inclusion for the minority businesses in many cooperative endeavors of agreements (non-inclusion of the Black Monroe Chamber of Commerce after many pleas of inclusion by the President Kenya Robinson).

So many decisions have been made in Districts 4 and 5 that have lacked the inclusion of the Minority which makes up the majority in the area. The majority of the citizens in District 5 consists of those who struggle with your everyday life problems for example: transportation issues, job placement, probation and parole offenders needing to be properly rehabilitated back into society, drug and alcohol abusers who have yet to receive the proper treatment after being continuously incarcerated for addiction, youth that a prone to violence due to lack of recreational activities, and public transportation, renters, and single mothers. All of the struggles you see here may appear to be egregious, but they are problems that have plagued our communities for the past three decades or better and have been simply ignored. I pledge to be the difference and to bridge the gap of economic disparity that has left a gaping hole in the southside of Monroe ever since the great flight from our Caucasian brethren from Atkins Quarters Pritchard Addition some decades ago by putting a hard focus and constant flow of resources, and creating business opportunities that caters to the needs of the majority of the southside residents. No more should "We the People of District 5" be hushed by consultant companies, and leaders who are not indigenous to the South or lived our everyday struggle or that of someone we know in our neighboring districts who have too felt the cold shoulder of the PoliTICKian who only listens to stay or be put in office but are easily led astray by people who tickle their ears with sweet nothings that don't benefit the people.

District 5 Matters and I need your votes my brothers and sisters to get some help out here our community is hemorrhaging the leg almost completely severed from the body and this current administration and our current representation remedy to this is to cut it off by police force and bandaged up with beauty, entertainment, and pretty pictures.

1 Corinthians 12:25-27 NIV 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part is honored, every part rejoices with it. 27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it.

Bring Back the Pride to District 5 One Vote At A Time! Vote Mondrian "Monday" Douglas

#43 on the Ballot District 5 Monroe City Council.


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