No Struggle, No Progress

Who's next to Die or Cry

The Black community has done a better job controlling gun violence than last year this time. One life is still too many! We still have a long way to go. The black community is at war because it is not trying to stop, drugs, guns, beating of our kids, mothers, police mistreatment in our neighborhood and imprisonment. Help, stop the violence and don’t be the next to die or cry. Stopping violence is an investment for our lives, future and family. We still must struggle to get our freedom. It's time to move the stop the violence to another level to sports. Tell our coaches it's time to join the stop the violence push and help take it to another level. Let's push for coaches to form these programs in our communities to come together and have a talk with all the kids in one place. Wossman, Carroll, and Richwood High Schools need to come together before, during football season and after the season to shake hands before the kids and speak to them about education and competition. Stop the violence! Telling the kids be tough, be rough, be competitive and challenge yourself to be the best you can during the game. Remember, it's a game in the pursuit of happiness and when the games are over they need to shake hands and be friends. One day those kids may have to become teammates. Our young kids see their brothers doing things that we should address. Stopping the violence and bring the elementary junior high schools MLK, Minnie Ruffin, Jefferson, Richwood Jr. and Robinson Elementary all in one place, speaking on loving your neighbor as yourself. Stop the violence who's the next to cry or die. We are looking for our next Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Henry Carroll, D.I. Andrews, Senator Charles Jones, Jimmy Jones and John Russell replacements to fight this great battle. America has come to roost. Americans have pushed the issue in the black neighborhood across America and now every ethnic group has started to attack them. Let's stop the violence in our neighborhood. John 3:16 for God so love the world that He sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Save yourself and live in peace . Stop the violence Don t be the next to Cry or Die.


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