No Struggle, No Progress

Trump's Words of Destruction

Say what you will about Donald Trump, he is willing to push the envelope as far as possible just to see how far he can get things to go his way. If one wants to see what “privilege” is all about, see Trump’s picture next to the word. A prime example to take note of is what is going on in the trial that is currently happening in New York, as a judge will soon decide on the punishment that Trump’s businesses will suffer for allegedly overvaluing his properties. Though the judge has already found Trump guilty, that has not prevented Trump from saying unflattering words about Letitia James, the prosecutor, or even the judge under the threat of contempt charges or even jail time. Many have said that Trump did that because he is well-known in the business world and is used to having his way. Trump has said just about everything one could say about someone else who holds the fate of his life in their hands. However, Trump is shrewd enough to know that as long as those who can hold him accountable refrain from doing so, that allows him to push the envelope even further. He is showing that even further by telling his supporters at rallies what he will do to his political enemies after he is elected president once again. It was on a social media post recent rally where Trump said that he “will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, lies, steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream”. Trump continued by saying that, “The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Despite the anger and hatred of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our country, we WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” People are used to hearing Trump say “make America great”, but it was his use of the word “vermin”, because it signifies the lowest of the low. Trump is not talking about animals(rats), but about certain people for whom he has serious contempt. Think Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Trump talked about “rooting out” Communists but had nothing but praise for Vladimir Putin, and dictators like Kim Jung Un. Who are the “vermin” to which he referred? How many elections “were stolen” during Trump’s watch and how many led to an insurrection? Also, who exactly is trying to destroy America? Trump never calls them out, only just makes vague references to outside forces. Why is it always those on the “Left” who want to destroy America when those who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 were never called “radical leftists” who attended Trump’s speech before telling them to “fight like hell”? When Trump uses the word “vermin”, he is talking just like Hitler and other dictators do when they are looking for any reason to rid themselves of their enemies. What better way than to justify your actions by saying those vermin want to destroy “our” country? But Trump is right about one thing that people should make note of. The threat to America is not from outside forces, but from within. Furthermore, that threat in the eyes of many believe that it is Trump, especially if he becomes president once again. Trump would do what he and conservatives/Republicans have been accusing President Joe Biden of doing, that is “weaponizing” the federal government that would go after those whom the government deems an “enemy” of the state. The bigger question becomes who beside Democrats will stand against Trump before/if he wins a second term? If Trump wins a second term, will Mike Johnson as Speaker tell Trump with any moral conviction that is not what Christians do? Will he tell Trump that the words that he is now using can only lead to the destruction of this nation? Will he tell Trump that a house divided will not stand? Will he also tell Trump that this is not THE WAY to make America great…again? The truth is all that matters, something that Trump seems incapable of saying at campaign rallies or on social media. The threat is from within. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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