No Struggle, No Progress

Shooting, Carroll Keep Separate

Mayor Friday Ellis, along with Monroe Police Chief Victor Zordan, released a statement concerning a shooting that occurred around 10:00 PM, Saturday, October 21, 2023, on Renwick St. in Monroe, hours after the homecoming football game at Carroll High School. A 14-year-old boy lost his life after someone fired into a crowd at the corner of Renwick St. and Hwy 165. It was another shooting incident that has taken the life of one of our young, one that touches all of us. It was unfortunate that the incident happened on the day that Carroll held its homecoming activities at the school that is within walking distance of the incident. The Monroe Dispatch would like to make it clear for those who may try to "connect" the tragedy to Carroll High School or its students. As of press time, there is no indication that the shooting had anything to do with or about Carroll, and until we learn otherwise, we all should defend the reputation, honor, and legacy of a cherished learning institution. In a statement, Ellis and Chief Zordan praised the efforts put forth by multiple agencies, saying that things went without incident during the homecoming weekend until a teen was killed late Saturday evening. It is rumored that there are four other victims; errant bullets also destroyed a food trailer as bullets flew into the crowd of innocent bystanders. In his statement, Mayor Friday Ellis included, "I am absolutely appalled and disgusted by the senseless gun violence that claimed the life of a teenager over the weekend. This tragedy is a stark and painful reminder of the devastating consequences of gun violence in our community. We cannot and must not tolerate this any longer. As responsible citizens and compassionate humans, we must put an end to violence. We owe it to the young man whose life was taken from him and everyone else who has been affected by this scourge on our community. We must stand up, speak out, and take action. If you have any information that can lead to the arrest of those responsible, please contact MPD and let justice be swiftly served." There is a B.A.L.M. in Monroe is a spiritual solution to a social problem. A B.A.L.M. in Monroe is a collaborative plan that every citizen, elected and appointed official, clergyperson, and organization can participate in to help improve the image of Monroe while inspiring at-risk males to take more responsibility for their actions and respect the lives of others - a balanced approach to lowering the violent crime and murder rate in Monroe LA. Praise God for law enforcement.


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