No Struggle, No Progress

School Board "No" Vidrine Suspension

It was on a Tuesday, September 9, 2023, Monroe City School Board meeting when board president Bill Willson made an announcement concerning a school employee that he said was under investigation. Willson, in a statement to fellow board members without mentioning any specifics, said, “Based on guidance received from our auditors and legal counsel, the Monroe City School District is notifying the public that notice has been submitted on the district’s behalf to the Louisiana Legislative Auditor and the Ouachita Parish District Attorney’s office of possible or suspected employee misconduct of a financial nature. Because the matter involves school district personnel, no further public comment will be made at this time. District Attorney Steve Tew said that the matter, being sensitive, is under investigation, releasing few details other than it has to do with financial-related matters, as stated by Willson. Michael Waguespack from the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s office said that they have been in contact with the school board through its attorney and that the matter is known as a misappropriation notice or a possible misappropriation of which they are now aware of; he said that his office would do its due diligence and will meet on the matter soon.

Now, coming on the heels of a special meeting by the Monroe City Schools Board, we now know that the employee in question was none other than Superintendent Brent Vidrine. Board members meet Tuesday, September 12, 2023, in a two-hour executive session to “receive information concerning an ongoing misconduct investigation and to have follow-up discussion regarding possible employee misconduct”, according to the agenda for the meeting. When board members returned from the executive session, Board President Bill Willson called for a vote based on language expressed in the agenda’s wording. It appeared that board members were voting on alleged “employee misconduct” not “employee misappropriation” which carries a different meaning in terms of possible penalties. A motion was made by board member Brandon Johnson to suspend Vidrine for 30 days with pay, after which they would move forward as a board. There had to be a unanimous vote to suspend Vidrine which fell woefully short by 4-3 to suspend. Those voting to suspend were Jennifer Haneline, Betty Ward-Cooper, Brenda Shelling, and Brandon Johnson. Those voting against were Michael Sampognaro, Darryl Berry and Bill Willson.

A vote by the board to not suspend Vidrine may send a message to other employees who have been suspended or fired for lesser offenses, which could incur a severe blow to employee morale. What reasons were there not to suspend Vidrine? Is a double standard being applied? Is the superintendent getting special treatment? Is there more to what the agenda referred to as misconduct as opposed to misappropriation? Many questions need to be addressed as it is in the district's and public’s interest, and the ongoing investigation will be conducted fairly without regard to who the subject is. As things stand now, someone once said this is like the fox guarding the henhouse.

Photo School Board Darryl Berry


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