No Struggle, No Progress


Copyright August 12, 2023

Written By: Mr. Marion Obafemi Inspired By: God

They said that this ole hammer killed John Henry, but it damn show ain’t gonna kill me

I heard that this been going on for centuries, but I’m cutting the root of this tree

My ancestors done sent for me, and it’s my destiny, to set the family free.

All these broken homes, leaving children alone, and beating the hell out of the women

All these mothers being the head of the house, while the men quiet as a mouse, ain’t nothing funny, but he grinning

Trifling, dead beat dads, is a thing of the past, from now on, we gone be winning.

All this going to prison, lacking Godly wisdom, and thinking it’s some kind of joke

Staying out all night long, seeking the pleasure zone, smoking all kinds of dope

It’s over and done, I’m rising like the Sun, to give my family some hope.

That appetite for drugs, gone be fulfilled with love, we can get high off what’s in the heart

Instead of filling in the gaps, by shooting craps, and looking for somebody to rob

We gone get up off our big swole asses, stop giving each other back door passes, and find ourselves a job.

I done missed a bunch of graduations, family vacations, and my son when he cracked his first smile

Several Thanksgivings, quality time with my siblings, and my daughter when she walked down the aisle

I wasn't there for grandma's burial, paw paw's funeral, or for the birth of my last child.

So, don't come around me talking about hitting no licks, or turning no tricks, because tricks are for kids you silly rabbit

I don't play those games no more, I have turned a page and closed the door, and broke all of my bad habits

I took the weight of this city off my back, no more pills, weed or crack, if you want these streets, you can have it.

I have no need for street cred, because that is the path that led, most of us into the ground

My eyes are wide open, a new direction is chosen, if I only knew back then what I know right now

I'm no longer a fool, thinking I can bend rules, this king has grown into his crown.

I wish I could press rewind, but there's no refund on time, it keeps going forward, not in reverse

It's never too late to do the right thing, so I'm chasing my hopes and dreams, while adding more lines to my verse

With every breath that I breathe, until the moment I am deceased, my job is to be the one to



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