No Struggle, No Progress

DeSantis Keeps Slavery Issue Alive

If Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis fails to capture the Republican presidential nomination next year, we know what will be seen as one of his failings. It won’t be his lack of charm or charisma; he is about as popular as stale bread regarding likeability. When that fails among the voters, it often falls on the shoulders of the spouse to put that “human, fuzzy” side on display just from the kind of relationship that the couple might have. As it stands now, no one is even remotely closed to catching up to Donald Trump despite the legal woes facing the former president. DeSAntis’ campaign got off to a disastrous start, with things getting progressively worse. The problem that DeSantis has, as with all want-to-be-strong leaders is that he wants to forcibly mold his reign as that of a dictator. The only “we” that leaders like DeSantis refer to are those who bend to his will or way of thinking. The old “my way” and no other way doctrine. Voters in Florida and around the nation are seeing that DeSantis is not as tough as he is portrayed to be, nor as strong. He is like Trump in one regard though. That is when something good happens on his watch, he wants all of the credit for being a strong leader, one who is just as smart as he is strong. That is until things don’t go quite the way the plans were drawn up. All of a sudden, it’s not his fault. Who does he blame? Liberals and the media. The campaign is in the dumps, staff has been laid off, and the dollars are not rolling in as they once were, but DeSantis will not push the restart button because that would make him look ineffective on the national stage. The thing that DeSantis wants to do most, is change the whole system of education in the nation as he is doing in Florida. He took the Critical Race Theory issue and used it effectively in Florida because it is a deeply conservative state. He knows just how important it is to mold the education system to his liking from Head Start (if he could) all the way to the universities, the teaching profession would be only seen as indoctrination classes. Red states would easily follow, leaving blue states to literally save education in America as we once knew it. The perfect example of DeSantis’ thinking is on full display with how he wants the issue of slavery to be taught to Florida’s middle school students. Perhaps DeSantis was expecting a lot of backlash from Black groups and yes even teachers (both Black and white) and Democratic leaders, but did he think that conservatives would come aboard and join him? From what we are seeing, it appears that DeSantis severely misjudged how even some conservatives will not drink the Kool-Aid that slavery “had future benefits” for Black people while they were in bondage. Tim Scott, the Black senator running for president said that there was “no silver lining” to slavery, as Scott is at this stage being looked at better than DeSantis. Even Black Florida representatives are pushing back against DeSantis for trying to distort history. It has gotten to the point where even former vice-president Mike Pence is “encouraging” DeSantis to “take another look” at the curriculum, saying, “Slavery was evil. Nothing good ever came from slavery”. What does DeSantis say to criticism coming from his fellow conservatives? “I am not budging an inch”, DeSantis said. According to a media report, DeSantis also said that “we” are going to fight back against these people (the left) and we are not going to let them take over “our” schools any longer. Liberals don’t “own” any schools and as far as taking over, that’s exactly what DeSantis and others like him are doing. Stay informed about what’s going on in your town.

DeSantis is also like Trump in another regard. As stated earlier, DeSantis takes credit for the good, but just as Trump was/is, he will not listen to the smart people when he should. He is receiving backlash from his right politically. By saying that he will not budge an inch, he risks alienating support that he may one day need. Telling D. C. Republicans that they “will often” accept false narratives/lies from the left, are not words that one would want to be remembered for because that individual refused to accept constructive criticism. DeSantis will keep the slavery issue alive only just to show his defiance even if he is wrong on the issue. Any individual who aspires to be a good/great leader should ask for the one thing that Solomon asked. Wisdom. Now that’s a benefit worth having. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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