No Struggle, No Progress
Proverbs 18:21 | NLT The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Beloved purpose to Speak Life into those persons who cross your path today and everyday. Speak Words that Encourage, Comfort, and Build others Up! Consider the Mnemonic T.H.I.N.K. prior to speaking Words to others or even speaking Words over yourself. T stands for TRUTHFUL. We know that satan is the father of lies but Jesus is the TRUTH!!! H stands for HELPFUL. All things that we say are “allowable”, but all are not “beneficial”. I stands for INSPIRING. Are the Words you are speaking adding an INCREASE to the Spirit, Soul, and Body of the listener? N stands for NEEDFUL. Is what being said needed? Or is what was said not needed to be said at all? OH My!!! And finally K stands for KIND. Yes Beloved we can be firm and authoritative while still being KIND. So GO FORTH and speak Words that bring Healing to situations. Speak Words that Deliver those persons who are bound. Also Speak Words that Set People Free! Be Mindful of what you say. And remember to…THINK BEFORE YOU
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