No Struggle, No Progress

Indoctrination: Their Way

When Critical Race Theory was talked about being taught in the nation’s public schools, conservative politicians and others cried that liberals were trying to “indoctrinate” young white kids into believing that they should “feel guilty” for the crimes of their ancestors. They, all of a sudden, started quoting the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. about not “judging people by the color of their skin” as if they suddenly saw the light of what Rev. King was saying. Guilt didn’t have anything to do with teaching CRT, but about teaching the truth about the horrors of slavery that occurred in this “Christian” nation for hundreds of years where religion also played its part. Religion as we know it in America is supposedly about the teaching and acceptance of the gospel which is supposed to be about living a righteous life. Conservatives have no problem talking(preaching) about religion from the Old/New Testament except for when it comes to slavery. How often do you hear those mega-pastors preach about slavery as it relates to the Jewish people or Black people here in America? Not often. So it is no surprise that all we hear is silence from those who otherwise would be saying things from a political standpoint using religion to justify when they agree with certain politicians. America may never “come to terms” with slavery, just as a certain segment of the nation will never accept the fact that the South lost the war. And yes, slavery was such a big part of why the war was fought. Now it seems, that in an effort to somehow justify slavery and the impact that it had on Black America, there are those pushing the narrative that slavery “had some benefits” that served Black people well. What? Who is now doing the indoctrination? The world is witnessing how America through the state of Florida is trying to rewrite history in an effort to whitewash or sanitize slavery, which will teach kids “how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit”. Notice the word “could”, meaning that forget all of the horrors of the experience, that it was “acceptable collateral” for slave owners/supporters getting what they wanted to support their system of society. It goes further. The education standard will be “instruction in violence perpetrated by African Americans”, the kidnapping of Europeans and selling them into slavery in Muslim countries, and how slavery of indigenous people was utilized in the Americas before European civilization. What about the part where Europeans went to Africa and brought Black people into slavery in their lands (Great Britain, colonial America), and let’s not forget where Dr. Ben Carson said that Blacks got on those ships and came to America “willingly” to work? Remember that one? Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis is running away from the issue even though he was the one who started it all with his crusade against “wokeness”, is reportedly saying that he wasn’t “involved” in how the state’s education officials came up with the standards. School will be starting in about a month or less in many parts of the nation, as DeSantis should expect to have to respond to more questions on the campaign trail about the “education fire” that he started. One has to wonder how any teacher can stand before a class especially one that has Black students in it, and say “this is how” it really and truthfully was during the days of slavery. And again, it is all about teaching the truth of slavery which had much more ugly about it and very little (if any) good in it. Also, if what the state of Florida is about to teach is accurate, then why wasn’t this knowledge taught in history classes 70 or 80 years ago? Why were those so-called benefits that are now suddenly being talked about kept away from Black and white students even if they were in separate classrooms during those times? Because we accepted what was taught then, but now we know better. Now it is about accepting and believing what DeSantis is saying, not caring about the truth. They want to say it often enough until the majority of their base accepts it as the gospel. Conservatives like DeSantis and those in right-wing media will spin this narrative as far as they can take it. As DeSantis recently said that the “proof is in the pudding”, will be seen when teachers actually begin indoctri…., sorry, er, teaching the new historical standards of slavery, all with the blessings of the state of Florida. Black kids, remember, this is for YOUR benefit, is what DeSantis is saying. Those who have gone before us, would not want those coming behind, to forget where we as a race have come from. God throughout scripture reminded the Jewish people of where He brought them from and for them to not forget that. The same applies to Black people. We have those among us who can teach us the truth. If we can’t get it in the schools, then it must be up to the Black church to continue. Black preachers are not crossing the political line if they are only doing what God did. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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