No Struggle, No Progress

The End Is Near

In the beginning God!

(Gen. 1:1) The enemy (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy (St. John 10:10) but Jesus came that we may havelife and that in abundance.

The earth is the Lord's and everything that's in it. God made man in his image and likeness. Man is God's highest creation. The devil wants to dismiss, discredit, demonize, and destroy all God has set in order on earth. Man dismisses God’s Word and his Commandments as unimportant, and not worthy of considering. He discredits God's Word as ineffective in today's scientific world. He demonizes God and His Word as old fogy and doesn't have any place in a scientific society. His final step is to destroy; he cuts off communication, he cuts off your necessary supplies, income, shelter, food, clothing, plays mind games, tries to distort your faith in God. The suffering of men, women and children on America's Southern Border is devastating. These souls have been dismissed as worthless, thieves, free loaders, murderers, untrustworthy. Man's ungodly actions have turned God's creation into a chaotic hell hole.

When we follow Jesus’s teachings of love, honesty and fairness, peace will follow. Jesus’s ways lead to a perfect life (Psalms 37:37). A paradise that's pleasing to God. Well Bless God! Superintendent . Henry Davison


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