No Struggle, No Progress
Survivors of various types of cancer gathered at the Tri- City Community Center in Monroe LA to celebrate survivorship. Cancer survivors participated in National Cancer Survivors Fun Day on June 24, 2023 June is National Cancer Survivor Month, It is celebrated nationally and internationally. A variety of activities were provided for the Survivors while, everyone received a gift bag and ribbons for their particular cancer. Guest Nutritionist, Dilyah Aleksandra of Ochsner LSU Hospital in Monroe LA gave a very informative presentation on nutrition. Survivors Ruthie Scott,(Rayville LA) shared her journey experiencing two types of cancer. Survivor Reshon Ford (Grambling LA) astonished the audience being a survivor of six types of cancers. Survivors eagerly participated in the parade of survivors, sharing their names, type of cancer .and years of survivorship Special thanks to all of our program participants and everyone in attendance. Bobbie Anderson a Co-Survivor was recognized for sending special cards to each survivor on their anniversary dates and birthdays cards to co-survivors and supporters. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by the hosting support group, Celebrating Life After Breast Cancer of Monroe LA, founder and survivor Annie S. Staten
Photo Celebrating Life 1- Guest Nutritionist, Dilyah Aleksandra
Photo Celebrating Life 2-Among those in Attendance
Photo Celebrating Life 3-Survivor Redhon Ford shares her survivor journey.
Photo Celebrating Life-4 Celebrating Life Support Group Included sitting l to r Betty Hudson, Annie Statenand Brenda Lewis, standing 2nd row l to r Vivian Walton, Levonis Lewis, Bobbie Anderson, Pia Williams & Patricia Ellis, Back l to rBobbie Jones, Luvonia Lewis, Tinnie Rhodes, Rosalyn Sanders & Cassandra Davis.
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