No Struggle, No Progress

Donterrio "Donnie" Anderson's Ultimate Finale

The journey of performing and writing stage plays has made its ultimate finale in our great city of Monroe, LA, for me, Donterrio "Donnie" Anderson. In 2014, God took me through a storm, and I was truly afraid for my life! I know that statement may come as a shock to most people. I was lost, and I didn't know which way to go. I was hospitalized due to the severity of my depression, and I wanted to commit suicide. I remember being in the hospital and having an intimate moment with God. God was dealing with my mentality and physical realm. God spoke to me loud and clear, reminding me of whose child I belonged to and my purpose for living! I remember thinking that God had a calling over my life, but at the same time, laughing and thinking, "Lord, I know you're not calling me to preach! You have enough in the pulpit, and I know I'm not one of them."

But I learned that whatever you do, don't play with God! Don't run from your calling!

After speaking to a Godsent, my best friend Genoris Bridges, about the vision God gave me about writing plays, she greatly encouraged me to fulfill that vision. I felt God had sent the confirmation I needed through my best friend, and I am so grateful for her. Through that confirmation, my vision was birthed. My very first stage play was "Why Do You Go to Church?" performed on Saturday, October 11, 2014, at the Greater Free Gift Baptist Church in Monroe, LA. I remember being nervous about the outcome. I remember admission was free, and I was only expecting to see about 30 to 40 people in the audience. Everyone that played a part in the play was as shocked as I was when we had 400+ in the audience! The house of God was packed! I knew it was nothing but GOD! God kept giving me visions of other plays to write and direct, which included 2 - "Why Is There So Much Hell In Church", 3 - "Coming Out of A Storm", 4 - "The Pastor's Anniversary", 5 - "No More Water Fire Next Time", and last but not least, 6 - "What Happens When You Leave the Altar?" This does not include the mini encore performances, out-of-town shows, and many travels on the highways spreading God's word. God has never left my side, and I'm so glad to announce that this is my last baby, "The Secrets In The City". I have many great memories from over the past several years, including working with such great people all over the city like Shannette Dorsey, Genoris Bridges, Kema Dawson, Rachel Washington, Matthew Beasley, Annanais Word, Andrea Word, Chandler Hawkins, Kemeta Hawkins, Nikki Wade McFarland, AaKayla Ruff, Michael Thompson Sr., Ora Greely, Jovonne Wilson, David Payne Chardrick Turner, Chrystal Wheeler, Jeremy Davison, Latoya Smith, Kalvin Bowman, Mario Manning, Kinya Dawson-Bennett, Dan DaGreat, Jay Gaice, Andreas Elliott, Tamera Jones, Yolanda Gayden, Marquita Bowman, Kalvin Bowman Sr., DeLana Fields, Arta Jones, Fredrika Wright, Christina Turner, and Alandra Corner, to name a few. If I missed anybody, please forgive me. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I'm so excited to perform my last stage playing in the city where I started. To God be the glory! Monroe, LA has been really good to me. I must continue with what God has called me to do. May the work I've done speak for me!


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