No Struggle, No Progress


This past week, I had my Junior class ring ceremony to be officially inducted as a Senior of Franklin Parish High School. As one the gifts I received, I got flowers from my dad and I forgot to leave them in my house and put water on them so they could grow. Well, I went over to my friend’s house for most of the day and by the time I made it home, my flowers looked as if they were dead. Now, the environment they were originally in was hot, brittle, dull, and hurtful. However, when I took the time out of my day to cut the stems and put them in a vase with water and "plant food", they blossomed overnight. Literally. When I first put them in the vase they were all leaning and not wanting to grow but when I changed them to a more positive environment and they knew their full potential could be reached, they shined the way they should. Here's the question I have for many of you. Why aren't we so similar to flowers and why do we not realize it until we're in our vase with water? Sometimes, we put ourselves in situations where we are with people that don't mean us any good and we aren't blossoming. When we aren't in our vases with water we're down, sad, depressed, going through these troubled times but when we take the time to actually remove ourselves from these situations and cut off the pieces of us that tie us to the people in our lives that continue to hurt and manipulate us into thinking that we aren't the most beautiful flower ever shouldn't be an environment anyone should have to live in. Now, when I saw those flowers dying I could have left them in the plastic and threw them away but I chose to have faith and hope and give it a shot. Faith without works is dead, and not believing in yourself is the fastest way for you to become someone that you do not want to be. We should strive to be more like flowers in their sense of not giving up and growing in the right environment. Thank you for reading my articles and if you have a topic you would like for me to write about please reach me at [email protected] .


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