No Struggle, No Progress


1 Thessalonians 5:23 | NKJV 23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh Lord we thank you for SANCTIFYING us Completely!!! Keeping us PROTECTED AND BLAMELESS from harm, hurt, and damage seen and unseen!!! Amen!!! Let our “spirit” be “infused” by the HOLY SPIRIT. Cultivating Love, Joy, and Peace in every area of our life. Walk in the Spirit so that you may not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Express Patient, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. Share these Fruits of the Spirit with everyone who “cross your path”. See the MANIFESTATION of Healing, Faith, and the Working of Miracles!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Hear the Prophetic Voice of God. Listen to “Tongues” and the Interpretation of “Tongues”. Be edified by a Word of Knowledge, directed by a Word of Wisdom and informed by the Discernment of “spirits”. Be PROTECTED AND BLAMELESS!!! Having your soul’s emotions, wants, and intellect be PROTECTED AND BLAMELESS by the Sanctity of God!!! Amen! And finally, let your body “line up” with your “spirit” and with your “soul”. Making you complete, and whole: Nothing broken and Nothing missing. HALLELUJAH!!! Then experiencing the Peace of God that surpasses ALL understanding. Walking in the Blessings and Favor of the Lord!!! Living the ZOE life!!! Seeing the Kingdom of Heaven right here on earth. And always being….PROTECTED AND BLAMELESS!!!


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