No Struggle, No Progress

Thompson's Switch to Republican

Louisiana State Senator Francis Thompson is now a Republican. At least officially. Thompson, a lifelong Democrat from Delhi, LA, made the switch to the Republican Party in Louisiana recently, saying that was something he “prayed about” with his family. Thompson is the state’s longest-serving legislator with 50 years of service as a Democrat, but in a statement, Thompson said that he had been “contemplating” switching parties for years. While no one is against Thompson for having switched parties, as former Democrat Rodney Alexander did years ago on the eve of a congressional election. Some may want to know why at this time, with the 2024 election looming on the horizon. If Thompson’s beliefs had changed over the years, why not switch sooner? No one is questioning Thompson’s accomplishments for the region over the years, but history will record his work for his constituents as a Democrat, not Republican. That alone showed that Democrats, like Republicans, will reward those by sending them back to office for representing their interests well while in office. The record speaks for itself. So, the question of whether a Democrat could be elected to the Louisiana legislator from a rural area of the state is moot, as the record shows that Thompson has won time after time. Thompson also said in his statement, “Let me be clear, nothing has changed”, except that he is now officially a Republican. The statement went on to say, “there are values and principles that I firmly hold onto that guide my decisions. My conservative voting record over the years that I have served in the Legislature speaks for itself.” A report said that Thompson made the switch because the Democrats lost voters over the years, resulting in Republicans taking control of both chambers of the state legislature. Still, it was how Republicans did it by redistricting boundary lines that conservative judges and voter suppression bills supported. And last but not least, Republicans because of Thompson’s switch, will have a supermajority in both chambers. Thompson showed that last year, as a Democrat, he voted with three independent lawmakers that allowed the Legislature to override Gov. John Bel Edwards’ veto of a congressional redistricting bill—a device used by Republicans to siphon Democrats’ votes from areas, protecting a Republican voting district.

Thompson’s alignment with Republicans in the Legislature will compound Democrats’ effort to pass any legislation without Republican support. Democrat Caucus Chair Rep. Sam Jenkins said in a statement that “it was disappointing, but not surprising”, noting that Thompson has already caucused with Republicans. Jenkins said that as the 2024 elections approach, the party will “fight” to increase wages, improve education, and hold insurance companies accountable. Republicans have virtual control of the state politically, and it remains to be seen what kind of effect any Thompson’s votes with Republicans will have on the state. Gov. Edwards probably saw the switch coming, as the upcoming regular session will test his mettle, along with Democrats’ realization that the fight has gotten much tougher. It goes to a larger question. Where will Louisiana stand with other states outside of the South when compared to jobs, wages, education, and quality of life be. Republicans like to talk about conservative “values” such as family and God. Democrats don’t believe in God and care about their families, is that it? Every one of us lives by our conscience to make choices. No one is condemning Sen. Thompson. It is said that “one man, one vote can make a difference”. The Monroe Dispatch wishes Sen. Thompson well.


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