No Struggle, No Progress

Terzia & Richwood Alumni's Reunion

There’s a thrill of excitement in the air! This year, 2023, is the year for the return of the “Rams”, Terzia and Richwood Rams. All grades of Terzia Elementary, Middle and High, Richwood all grades - 12th . Each class will have an opportunity to honor on that evening a high school sponsors/administrator. You must submit the name along with the bio of your sponsor/administrator. Deadline for bios., Saturday, April 15, 2023. Deadline to confirm your attendance to the event via email is Saturday, April 8, 2023. Please remain prayerful and encouraged as we, a team of rams bring this reunion to its conclusion on July 1, 2023. A venue has not been confirmed, nor has a budget been finalized. I believe we can do this, I believe it can be done! Will update you once we have confirmed a location for our event and a budget has been finalized. Bernadeen Madison, Frazier Ms. Terzia, 1954 Graduating Class of 1965


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