No Struggle, No Progress

Jackson Parish NAACP #6309 2-Day Celebration

The Jackson Parish Branch NAACP #6309 announces its 2-day celebration, February 24-25, 2023. On Friday, February 24, scholarship recipients and members, past and present, will unite for a Meet & Greet Social Gathering at Boyer-Bell Memorial Building, 6:00 PM; The Annual Freedom Fund/Scholarship Banquet culminates the celebration on Saturday, February 25, 6:00 PM at Dr. Charles Garrett Community Center. The speaker for this affair is Dr. Eric Cockerham, principal at Tom Landry Elementary Steam Gifted and Talented Academy Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD of Carrollton, TX. For more information call Vice President Dr. Cassandria Peoples, Chairperson at 318-259-9714 or President Windy Calahan at 318-259-2736.


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