No Struggle, No Progress

New Age- New problems

Leviticus 19:4 Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am the LORD your God. There is a new age trend, that’s not so new to some. It is a destructive and very controversial trend (as it should be), and it’s growing more each day. Many of our youth are flirting with darkness, and before they can make it to the light, it may be too late. The Word of God instructs us to lead the next generation in the ways of God. We should, of course, because who’s more right or righteous than the Creator of all things? Instead of obeying, so many are teaching this younger and lost generation, in the ways of darkness. This is not a light thing at all. Many young men and women are taking it upon themselves to be captains of their own ships. They want control of their own lives, with little to no Godly influence or interference. Control without accountability is destructive; that’s why so many are being destroyed. They feel that God isn’t enough. They feel they need more; so, many are telling God that they don’t need Him. Why? Well, many have picked up other “gods”. The trends of ancestor worship, crystal protection and manipulation, sage burning (for protection and alleviating negative spirits), making vain affirmations, tarot cards and more abominations to God, is what many have chosen over their Creator; yet, many are asking, “Where is God”, when tragedies occur. Ask instead, where are the false gods that you have picked up. It’s crazy to worship a god made of glass, stones or clay. It’s deaf, blind and dumb; God is neither. Why choose a god that has to be carried everywhere, when one can choose a true and living God, who carries him/her? If we sow into nonsense; then, we get nonsense. Idol worship and rebellion against the only wise God, is truly nonsense. Whatever God is taken out of, destruction and disorder will eventually come into. Please, stop this madness. God’s people perish from a lack of knowledge; therefore, I am using this article to let it be KNOWN that what many are headed in the wrong direction. Consider this as an invitation to your detour. Repent please. God is Enough!


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