No Struggle, No Progress

Renwick/Louberta St. Hwy 165 Crossings Closing?

Breaking news: There is talk circulating in the area that some big plans are in store for two main streets located in a part of Monroe's Black community. It is alleged that both Renwick St. and Louberta St. in Monroe, LA, are set to be closed at each intersecting point on 165 South. This would mean no traffic can turn off the streets, nor can cars travel across the 165 highway at the two streets through the two communities that the highway divides. Instead, it is alleged drivers will be forced to travel around on the highway's one-lane side street. As of press time, Monroe Mayor Ellis has yet to share any information about these alleged plans. Black leaders representing the community have also not offered context or comment regarding the allegations. If this plan is indeed true, local and state officials must answer many questions. When did this alleged plan start, and who initiated it? Have community members been notified and allowed time to voice their concerns? If there are funds to do a frivolous project like this, these funds can be reallocated to address other transportation safety issues in our community. There are different ways to ensure traffic safety for the community, but closing two high-trafficked streets isn't it.


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