No Struggle, No Progress

"Heated Richwood Meeting Another Side 2"

In response to the article in the December 22, 2022 edition of the Monroe Dispatch regarding "the other side" article submitted by Richwood Mayor Brown - It's ironic that Alderman Profit didn't complain, at least to me, about my actions. Mr. Profit knew he was out of line and had it coming. I had been the butt of Mr. Profits' antics during town meetings for many months and had repeatedly asked him not to interfere when I was talking and not to tell me how and when to vote. It's disrespectful and creates hostility. Mr. Profit laughs and smirks when I and other Alderpersons are speaking such that it interferes with my ability to hear their comments. Mr. Profit's behavior is as though no one should question the Mayor, and Mr. Profit has referred to me as a "stupid A" for questioning certain financial transactions. Mr. Profit should refresh himself on what his job as an Alderperson requires or simply look up the definition of Louisiana Alderman. As far as Mayor Brown is concerned, he should explain why he has allowed such a hostile atmosphere in Richwood town meetings long before December 2022. For years I have observed employees, vendors, non-citizens, and fellow Alderpersons verbally attacking Alderpersons whenever they disagree with the Mayor's agenda. Mayor Brown not once attempted to stop the attacks but appeared to agree. The oldest political trick in the book is to destroy, vilify, and intimidate those who disagree with your agenda using others to do it.

In town meetings, there have been employees that accused certain board members of arson, and the Mayor failed to correct the employee, knowing full well that was not true.

Richwood town Alderpersons have had Ouachita Parish Sheriff deputies on premises at town meetings to maintain order and dispel hostilities. I have been attacked in meetings by employees, vendors, and fellow Alderpersons for disagreeing with the Mayor. Mayor Brown needs to understand that it's his failure of leadership that has created a hostile environment in town meetings. The meeting in question was adjourned according to Parliamentary Procedures, to which the Mayor agreed. The following week a special call meeting was held to handle that unfinished business, and the Mayor failed to attend.


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