No Struggle, No Progress

Another Divisive Year Awaits

The year 2022 is rapidly coming to a close, closing a chapter in time of a nation many are saying is no better than it was in 2021. Yes, this is the time that talk “of peace and goodwill” is exchanged, but in reality, when one actually takes the blinders off their eyes, everything is basically still the same. As long as this nation remains as divisive as it has become, that peace and goodwill, goes out of the window. The bible is true when it teaches us, “a house divided against itself will not stand”, is something that one doesn’t hear from those who say/do things that further divide. One very seldom hears that from the halls of Congress, not even from Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy. Probably because one doesn’t need to decipher what the senator sometimes means when he comes up with his folksy one-liners. Perhaps the good senator may not realize that he may be the problem and not the solution. One thing all seem to agree on is there are some very serious issues regarding how people treat one another. Civility is almost a forgotten word, less so of a courtesy in so much discourse among people. Especially our leaders. How many times has one heard a leader apologize for saying something that he/she “regrets”, as they offer their generic “sorry I offended you” worn out response. We keep saying that we “can do better”, but there appears to be no evidence of that happening. The battle lines were drawn a long time ago between the left and the right, conservatism and liberalism, keep things the way there were during the good old days instead of progressing as a nation. All of that will be center stage when Republicans take control of the House in January because all that have as far as bringing the nation together, is to make sure that the nation further divides itself. Why? All about power. The fact that the Jan. 6 House Committee after investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection referred criminal charges to the Justice Dept. against ex-president Donald Trump, will certainly turn up the heat on Democrats, leading to more division. If Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland decides to bring charges against Trump, that would be like the Civil War starting all over again. There are those within the Republican Party who would like to see Trump leave, though not to a jail cell, but to just go away. They allowed Trump to take control of the party and now find that he is still calling the shots, while many have that feeling of hopelessness as long as Trump leads the base. Former vice president Mike Pence had an interesting observation of a possible Trump indictment. Mr. Pence, ever the Trump loyalist and 2024 presidential hopeful, said that he “hoped” that DOJ understood the magnitude of indicting a former president. Pence went on to say that indicting Trump, would be “terribly divisive” to the country at a time when the American people want to see us heal. There’s that “peace/goodwill” talk coming from one of the smoothest talkers in the nation, who always tries to have it both ways. He is straddling the lines on issues that appear as if he is the middleman. Still, those who have studied Pence know what side he is on, a staunch conservative who is preaching to the same choir as his boss did six years ago. In a move to shore up Christian conservatives, Pence said, “At this time of year, we are thinking about the most important things in our lives, our faith (in whom?), and our family”. A classic line to the base to let them know that if anything happens to his old boss, Pence is telling them that he is the next best person to continue the Trump legacy. If that is Mr. Pence’s goal, then perhaps he should ask his old boss to repent for the things that he has said/done and continues to do. That’s a word that Pence has not been quoted as saying when Republicans “stray”. Nor has he said that Trump bears some responsibility for the divisiveness that he says that he is so worried about.

America is not alone in a divided world. Nation against nation is being played out by Russia attacking Ukraine. People are being turned away at the border, as Congress continue to point fingers. The Middle East is just as volatile as ever. China is flexing her might more and more on the international stage. England has gone through more prime ministers in the last six months than they have in the last forty years. Yet, there is the constant hate for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, all because he is with the woman/wife with whom he wants to be. There’s some scripture in there somewhere. The sad part about all of this is, that things will only get worse in America and around the world. The peace and goodwill talk that you will hear, will last as long as it takes for the words to come out of the mouths of those who will say them. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.

Well, Monroe Dispatch readers, another year is just about over. Once again, this reporter wants to thank all of you for your support and allowing me to be a small part of your lives in 2022. As always, it is my desire to inform, educate in the best way that I can. Life is good and fleeting at the same time. Enjoy the moments and tell someone that you love them. God bless all of you. Eddie D. Gillis


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