No Struggle, No Progress

Illegal Eviction/Arrest

Disclaimer: All persons are innocent until proven guilty. John Badger is on a quest to clear some legal issues in Ouachita Parish, only to be pushed back at every turn. Badger says that he has been wrongly accused and charged on several legal issues and simply wants to have a fair day in court without being railroaded out of it. The issues he is confronted with include what he alleges is an illegal eviction and charges against him; he contends that he just wants to prove his innocence, but he claims that the judicial powers that be in Ouachita Parish are denying him that right. Badger had filed lawsuits in Ouachita Parish, where he says he has been successful but now says that when he had an appearance in court, not only were parish attorneys his adversary, but he also alleges the presiding judge was too. Badger said that a constable officer allegedly "arrested" him when he was being evicted, though the constable officer is alleged not to have "arresting power" like a regular police officer. Badger has said that throughout his ongoing legal proceedings, he has acted as his own counsel because he said it has been difficult retaining a local attorney. Some have allegedly flat-out turned him down, leading Badger to wonder why. Badger says he is angry because he feels he is being denied his civil rights to adequately address his grievances in a court where he feels that he is not being fairly treated when stating his case. While in OCC (Ouachita Correctional Center), Badger says that he felt threatened, knowing that a dispute over handling an eviction notice should not have been grounds for his arrest.

Badger also believes that he will not get any relief or a judgment in his favor because of the alleged actions of the judge hearing his present case. After one court appearance where the atmosphere was allegedly "hostile' Badger said that after he left the courtroom, he found himself "surrounded" by more than a dozen officers. It wasn't because of anything that he did, he claims. There was one occasion where Badger said that the court had him as having pled guilty in a case where he didn't; the guilty plea indicated that the case was closed, but he maintains that is inaccurate.

It has been an uphill battle for Badger, as with each junction comes more obstacles, one of which he alleges has to deal with judges he believes should recuse themself because of the close association of some court officers. As Badger hopes for a final conclusion to his legal battles, he says that hearing dates keep getting pushed back. The right to represent himself as his own legal has been faced with fierce opposition from the judge he has faced in court, which compounds the difficulty for him to present his case and defense. One example Badger gave was when he would engage the constable officer through questions the judge would allegedly often interject with conversation that he said would offer a distraction from the proceedings as if to keep the constable from giving answers that might strengthen Badger's case. Badger alleges that when a parish lawyer would examine the constable, the judge would give much more leeway than what Badger received. Badger said he is "prepared" to use other legal means to clear himself. Justice is what he is seeking, says Badger, adding that he can't allow himself to be silenced because of what is at stake for him. Badger says nothing will deter him from getting justice from the system and clearing his name.


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