No Struggle, No Progress

Godly Leadership... Best

Philippians 2:4 4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Leadership is more than just being in charge. It’s also being responsible, accountable, reliable, relatable and an integral part of a team. I once read that leadership is sacrifice, not privilege. I agree! It’s about truly serving others. These traits are fruit of Godliness. True leaders follow/are led by God. They are visionaries and strategist. There must be effective plans and strategies in place for advancement. If not, a governed area will suffer from little to no advancement, obvious inequality, economic depravity and poor to no growth. It seems as Monroe, Louisiana has suffered for years, because of the lack of Godly leadership. I’m not saying that only leaders who love God can led well. I am saying that leaders who have prayed for the wisdom to lead and completely submitted to God, have led others BEST! Monroe is suffering. The very life of the city is at a critical state. It is in dire need of restoration and newness. It’s been that way for over 20 years. How much longer will the citizens have to witness disunity, discord and disorder and barrenness? How long will the minority sides of the city continue to suffer? There is far too much noise and little to no action. The children are looking and waiting. The elderly are hoping and praying. The rest are anticipating and deciding, contemplating on whether to stay or leave a place they’ve always known as home. The former leaders who have conspired with a few current leaders and community activists, should work with- not against the current administration, in bringing viable results to the city. The harassment, bullying attempts and drama need to cease; it’s deplorable (to whom it concerns). The current administration needs to step up and deliver on promises made to minority and underprivileged citizens in the city. There are small changes that can be made, that will make a great difference to citizens. Hear them out! Feel their pain. Step into their shoes and see their needs. Citizens of Monroe are losing hope in leadership. It’s up to leadership to restore that hope. It starts with God’s guidance. There’s honestly no better way. Citizens of Monroe don’t be deceived. Pray for the current administration. They are fighting battles you don’t see but do hold them accountable for actions taken or not taken in your communities!


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