No Struggle, No Progress

Essential Wise Leaders

There are very few things in this world, more needed than wisdom. By wisdom much greatness is established. By a lack of wisdom, are many things torn down. This is why wisdom is extremely important in leadership. Wise leaders instruct the people, and prudence in leadership, establishes a well ordered government- even locally. Usually, however the head of leadership is, so is his/her administration. Also, a city begins to reflect its leaders. A neglected city or community begins to reflect a lack of productivity. An unwise leader can destroy those he/she governs; but through proper judgment and orchestration of those who are in authority, a city will perish. A successful leader has to be humble, approachable, compassionate, passionate and flexible; otherwise, he/she will fail his/her constituents. Monroe leadership, where is wisdom? Do not forsake “her”. Lead the citizens of Monroe with wisdom and equity. Lead impartially. Look around and truly see beyond what you see. See solutions; then BE solutions. Monroe still looks forsaken in the minority communities. What about the industrial parks near the Three Unit area? It’s time for factories and other business consideration; that’s space and opportunity. That’s economic advancement. That’s less crime, because of less idleness. That’s more hope for individuals and families. That’s what improves the morale of a city. That’s more attraction, and that’s how one revives and restores a city. Monroe needs a revival right now. It’s in desperate need to be revived. If nothing is done at this point, it will need a resurrection. It’s been neglected in certain areas, far too long.


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